10 Mar

Technology has become so helpful, providing us with not just fun, but also making life so much easier. However, who says we must stick with just the regular tech tools/apps or features?

Here, we found you some of the most amazing tech hacks that can be learnt in 10  minutes or less.

source : lupcy.com

Load subtitle file automatically

You don’t need to load subtitle every time you play a movie. How? Just rename the subtitle file (.srt file) same as movie name and keep in the same folder.


Look through Instagram pictures without worrying about accidentally liking them

Want to look through someone’s Instagram photos without the “double-tap” fear? Simply scroll through their feed while on airplane mode. Without internet access, you won’t be able to like their photo even if you accidentally double-tap it.

The pictures won’t load in the first place if you start on airplane mode, though. You’ll have to go to the feed first so the pictures load, then turn on airplane mode, then start scrolling. When you reach the end and need to load more pictures, simply turn airplane mode off, let more load and then turn it on again.


Download a copy of your Facebook data

If you want to be able to access all your Facebook data (Your past chat conversations, uploaded photos, shares, status updates, etc), it is possible. Facebook allows you download all your data and activities in PDF format.

See steps on how to download your own copy:

  • Go to Setting. Below General Account Settings, you’ll see download a copy of your Facebook data.
  • After clicking on Download a copy, you will be redirected to the DYI (Download Your Information) page.
  • On the DYI page, click on Start My Archive. Next,enter your Facebook password, which would be required for confirmation, and click Submit.
  • Facebook would then generate your personal archive that stores whatever you have shared on Facebook and email you when it’s ready. There you have it! Your own personal copy of all your Facebook data.


Convert a YouTube video into animated GIFs

Do you know there’s an easy way to make animated GIFs out of yor favourite YouTube video? Just navigate to URL of the YouTube video you will like to turn into an animated GIF. Add gif  before youtube in the URl (e.g – gifyoutube.com/watch/?v=ZE1ZCOv1RiA)

Instantly, you will be redirected to gifs.com and you will see the video getting converted into an animated gif.


Reveal the password hidden behind asterisks and dots

Whenever you type your password to login to any site, you will see that your password is hidden behind asterisks or dots, but if you want to reveal it, then follow the simple steps below:

  • Simply right-click on the password field, click on “Inspect Element” (Chrome and Firefox).
  • You will see the HTML code that the website consists of. You will also see something like type=”password”. And once you double click on “password” you’ll be able to edit this field.
  • You will see the HTML code that the website consists of. You will also see something like type=”password”. And once you double click on “password” you’ll be able to edit this field.
  • source: here
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